What Is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is the use of a sedatives to block pain, calm the patient, or ease them into sleep before and during their procedure. There are many different sedative agents available for patients and their needs. Some sedatives merely calm the patient and reduce the sensation in their mouth. Others put the patient to sleep completely. Some of the options used during dental procedures include nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedatives, injections and IV sedation.
It is important to let our dentist, Dr. Parsa T. Zadeh, and his assistants know if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Also, let us know what medicines you are taking or your potential allergies. This will let us adjust your sedative treatment as necessary. We can and will always find alternatives that allow you to be as relaxed as possible courtesy of our in-house pharmacist.
Dr. Parsa T. Zadeh is skilled in all traditional types of dental sedation including sleep dentistry. He is one of the few dentists who is certified for IV sedation by the Dental Board of California. This means he does not require an in-house or outsourced anesthesiologist, which can save you several hundred, if not thousands, of dollars on your procedure. This also means more of your money and our resources can be spent giving you the smile of your dreams.
Benefits of Sedation Dentistry
- Your gag reflex is reduced.
- Your comfort is maximized, and the number of procedure visits may be reduced.
- Joint and muscle soreness in your jaw will be reduced or nonexistent during and after the surgery.
- Improves safety for both the dentist and you.
- Little or no memory of the procedure, which can help many patients defeat their dental anxiety over time.
Sleep Dentistry
Some dental procedures require that the patient receive deep sedation due to their length and nature. If the patient receives dental implants, a full-mouth reconstruction or a GUMLIFT®, they will require IV sedation because of the potential for discomfort and the care needed to perform the procedure. Dr. Zadeh will explain what to expect before your procedure and any options you have for sedation.
Other instances, such as longer procedures (over two hours), necessitate sedation dentistry. The muscles in your jaw and face can get tired and sore, and relaxants help prevent this. This allows us to keep your mouth open and relaxed. It will also prevent damage to the TMJ. Sleep and sedation dentistry is designed entirely to keep you comfortable and ensure you have a positive dental experience.
While we call it sleep dentistry, this is a bit of a misnomer. The field of dentistry gave sedation dentistry this name because our patients become so relaxed they often fall asleep. However, unlike general anesthesia, you are conscious and able to respond to verbal commands and requests from the dentist. You will also be able perform basic functions, such as going to the bathroom, if needed. Almost every patient, even the most fear-stricken and anxious, sing the praises of the results of conscious sedation dentistry.
You will most likely not remember your procedure or have only fragments with none of the potential pain. This is why one of our slogans is “Wake Up To A Brand New Smile!” When we say it, we mean it!
Sedation Dentistry Patient Safety
Many patients worry about sleep dentistry and anesthesia because of the horror stories that have been circulating in the media. Reports of people who wake up during surgery and are unable to move while feeling everything appear to be quite common, but that is not the case with sleep dentistry. We monitor your vital signs with a pulse oximeter. This measures your blood pressure, oxygen saturation and heart rate.
This way, we pace your procedure and make sure you are both comfortable and tolerating the surgery well. You are also responsive, so if you feel any pain or discomfort, please let us know, and we can make adjustments or take a break to let you recover. Dr. Zadeh is also certified in cardiac event recovery. So if the unthinkable happens, he can assist you until help arrives. There are few places in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills that are better equipped and safer that Dr. Zadeh’s office for sedation dentistry.
It is also important to make arrangements following conscious sedation dentistry. You will be unfit to drive and sleepy for the rest of the day. We also understand that people sometimes forget to make arrangements or previous arrangements fall through. If necessary, we can call for a cab service or ride sharing service after your procedure to help make sure you get home or to your next destination safely.
It is also very important to get plenty of rest, as your body needs time to heal after any surgery. For most, taking it easy the rest of the day and the next should be enough. Most patients can resume most basic day-to-day activities after 48 hours. We, however, generally recommend waiting about a week before you engage in any strenuous activities. Call our office today at 310-273-2020 or email our appointment coordinator to schedule your appointment for a free, no-obligation initial consultation and experience what it is like to get the dental experience you want and deserve and learn more about sedation dentistry in Beverly Hills, California. Here, you are the celebrity.