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If you have ever had pain when eating or drinking hot or cold foods, you have probably experienced tooth sensitivity. Sensitive teeth could have many causes including but not limited to worn tooth enamel, a cracked or exposed tooth root, cavities or even fractured teeth.

Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the body. It is the layer over the tooth that protects a healthy tooth. But it’s not enamel that protects the gum line, it’s actually cementum on the tooth root.

And if you go even further up the tooth, there is a less dense protective covering called dentin. Dentin contains tubules, or small hollow tubes, and this is where tooth sensitivity could occur.

When dentin loses its protective covering, tubules allow for hot or cold temperatures to reach the nerves and cells inside of the tooth causing sensitivity and pain.

Worn tooth enamel, cracked or exposed teeth, cavities, and fractured teeth all allow for damage to dentin covering, and the subsequent exposure of the root and therefore, will cause sensitivity.

This hypersensitivity and discomfort, although uncomfortable, does not cause permanent damage.

On the other hand, brushing your teeth incorrectly or even too frequently could cause permanent damage. Having a proper oral hygiene routine is important to keep the gums from receding and exposing the root and becoming sensitive.

Dr. Zadeh suggests maximizing your oral hygiene routine to brush twice a day and flossing daily. You might also consider adding a non-alcohol fluoride mouthwash made for sensitive teeth to your routine.

You want to make sure to regularly attend your professional cleanings every 3 months. If you are past due for a professional cleaning, call our office to set your next hygiene appointment at Zadeh Dentistry. We can be reached at (310)273-2020 and look forward to assisting you with your oral health needs!

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